Sabtu, 25 September 2010

Promo album Lavista

Temen² udah denger lagu baru?

kalo belom cek deh

pendatang baru di ranah permusikan Indonesia

tar profil nya mo dishare dimari

review lagunya


Senin, 20 September 2010

App Error 205 reset BB 8320

Apa anda pernah mengalami
BB anda black seperti ini

atau bahkan ada tulisan App error 205

coba saran saya sebagai berikut :

pertama .. anda harus menginstall BB Desktop Manager
kedua hapus vendor.xml dari
Program Files > Common Files >Research In Motion > AppLoader

lalu klik apploader sperti gambar diatas

Memory Card Repair

Mungkin suatu saat ngalamin
memory card kita ga bisa dibaca
terformat ga sengaja
atau apapun masalah nya

coba deh tool yg 1 ini
saya share siapa tau membantu
ada format + recovery + dll


Minggu, 05 September 2010

Memperbaiki Red Blinking BB 8320

Baru saja saya service HP BB 8320
pas lagi upgrade software tiba tiba keluar blue screen
di BB nya keluar lampu warna merah

"oh tidak"

akhirnya saya temukan solusinya
1. Jangan Panik
2. Install Desktop Manager
3. Tarik nafas dalam dalam trus lepas hehehe
4. hubungkan BB ke komputer
5. jalankan BB Desktop Manager di PC biarkan sampe BB ke deteck
6. Klik Update Software
7. Tunggu sampai proses selesai

Thara............... normal kembali

jika tidak jalan juga
1. cek batrai (full atau kosong)
2. cabut batrai, sim card, micro SD card diamkan 5-10 menit
3. pasang batrai biarkan full booting sampai normal
4. matikan dan pasng sim card, micro sd dan batrai

semoga berhasil

Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

genuine xp

Buat anda semua
ada 1 tool sederhana yang bisa menjadikan windows xp anda genuine

ga usah repot2 ga usah lama2 hanya dengan 1x klik dijamin
windows anda akan genuine

silahkan mencoba

Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009

Info Terbaru untuk para Biker's mohon dibaca!

Hati-hati mengendarai kendaraan bermotor jika tidak mengantongi Surat Izin Mengemudi (SIM). Anda bisa didenda hingga Rp 1 juta.

Penetapan denda itu berdasarkan UU No 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu lintas dan Angkutan Umum Pasal 281 yang berisi "Setiap pengendara kendaraan bermotor yang tidak memiliki SIM dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 4 (empat) bulan atau denda paling banyak Rp 1 juta".

"Itu denda maksimal. Ketentuan berapa pelanggar harus membayar denda itu kan nanti sesuai dengan sidangnya. Sebagai warga negara yang sadar hukum, sudah seharusnya mematuhi hukum. SIM diberikan kepada pengendara bukan hanya sebagai sertifikat dia bisa mengemudi. SIM dibuat agar pengendara punya pengetahuan berlalu lintas," kata Kabid Humas Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol Chryshnanda Dwilaksana kepada detikcom, Rabu (28/10/2009).

Sejumlah pasal lain yang mengatur ketentuan berlalu lintas memberikan denda yang tidak sedikit. Dalam UU baru tersebut, sanksi denda minimal Rp 250 ribu dikenakan kepada setiap pelanggar. Berikut sejumlah sanksi denda dalam UU yang baru disahkan 22 Juni lalu.

Pasal 278, setiap pengendara mobil yang tidak dilengkapi dengan perlengkapan berupa ban cadangan, segitiga pengaman, dongkrak, pembuka roda, dan peralatan pertolongan pertama pada kecelakaan dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 1 bulan atau denda paling banyak Rp 250 ribu (Pasal 278).

Pasal 288, setiap pengendara kendaraan bermotor yang tidak dipasangi Tanda Nomor Kendaraan dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 2 bulan atau denda paling banyak Rp 500 ribu.

Pasal 288 ayat (2), setiap pengendara kendaraan bermotor yang memiliki SIM namun tidak dapat menunjukkannya saat razia dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 1 bulan atau denda paling banyak Rp 250 ribu.

Pasal 285 ayat (1), setiap pengendara sepeda motor yang tidak dilengkapi kelayakan kendaraan seperti spion, lampu utama, lampu rem, klakson, pengukur kecepatan, dan knalpot dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 1 bulan atau denda paling banyak Rp 250 ribu.

Pasal 285 ayat (2), setiap pengendara mobil yang tak dilengkapi kelayakan kendaraan seperti spion, klakson, lampu utama, lampu mundur, lampu rem, kaca depan, bumper, penghapus kaca dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 2 bulan atau denda paling banyak Rp 500 ribu.

Pasal 287 ayat (1), setiap pengendara yang melanggar rambu lalu lintas dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 2 bulan atau denda paling banyak Rp 500 ribu.

Pasal 287 ayat (5), setiap pengendara yang melanggar aturan batas kecepatan paling tinggi atau paling rendah dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 2 bulan atau denda paling banyak Rp 500 ribu.

Pasal 288 ayat (1), setiap pengendara yang tak memiliki Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan atau STNK dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 2 bulan atau denda paling banyak Rp 500 ribu.

Pasal 289, setiap pengemudi atau penumpang yang duduk di samping pengemudi mobil tak mengenakan sabuk keselamatan dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 1 bulan atau denda paling banyak Rp 250 ribu.

Pasal 294, setiap orang yang mengemudikan kendaraan bermotor yang akan berbelok atau berbalik arah tanpa memberikan isyarat dengan lampu penunjuk arah atau isyarat tangan dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 1 (satu) bulan penjara atau denda paling banyak Rp 250 ribu.

disadur dari Yahoo!Indonesia

Senin, 19 Oktober 2009

Common Mistakes (noobs / rookies)

Common Newbie Mistakes - This may not apply to everyone but the truth is most low level players get robbed based on their own rookie mistakes

Most common - someone puts you on the hitlist, you get upset because u think all these high level players are attacking you for no reason (you are wrong), look at the series of attacks they are all within the same time span and u end up snuffed... then u go ahead and start trying to retaliate against these players BIG MISTAKE, u already saw the persons profile and it tells u their level and what they been up to but u go ahead anyway... when this happens the high level player does NOT want to attack u its almost pointless, but to teach u a lesson for not playing smart they rob u blind, and what do u do get upset and hitlist them, so they rob u again and the dance starts

this is simple guys... Play smarter, keep with beef with the person that hitlisted u

Choose your fights wisely - there is no way that it can make sense to pick a fight with a player 40+ levels above you, that is basically suicide (it's not impossible for u to win if u were building your character to be strong from the start)... research a player before u engage in a fight of any kind.. look over their stats it will tell u a lot... things to look for:
Fights win/loss - don’t be fooled by the losses though, sometimes someone started out just like you and had to learn the hard way so they may have a lot of losses
#of deaths - the higher someone’s death toll is the more you want to leave them alone I’d say over 500 leave them alone, this is the kind of player that will annoy you just so you can hitlist them because they actually benefit more from being hitlisted that it hurts them at all
Successful Heists if this number is extremely high over say 5000 leave them alone, this is the type of player that retaliates by robbing..
Hitlist Kills - if this number is high you know they spend a lot of time around the hitlist picking up bounties (this is probably why they attacked you to start with)

When you are being robbed there are some very simple things you can do. First do not get stressed out remember it’s just a game what may not be fun for you may be fun for someone else (it is impossible for the developers to please everyone). Now consider he following:
Let your properties sit damaged for a while DO NOT SELL them u will get 30% of the total hourly income, this is better than nothing, u only get half your money back if u sell them and u miss out on the hourly income (casino @ 100% $300,000/hr, casino @30% $90,000/hr) you just need to make sure u have enough income to cover your upkeep expenses.
DO NOT HITLIST... once u see the persons profile as described above u should know u don’t want to start with this person (you deserve what you get if u do) the chance to win is just too minimal for you... if you choose to retaliate you will only be doing 1 of 2 things, 1) upsetting the person with your rookie tactics or 2) you will be doing them a favor by letting them ride the hitlist, neither of these results benefits u.
When u get robbed you get a repair bill money out of your pocket. When you hitlist it costs you and you put yourself on that persons newsfeeds giving them access to you (it’s just an open invitation), and more than likely they will be back. You may feel like they are getting away with robbing you, but you must ask yourself is retaliating really worth it.
Take a look at this thread to see how the Hitlist can be beneficial to high level players Dead Wingers Example

If u have already made all of the mistakes above send the person a friend request, if the person has 100s of levels on u chances are u won’t catch enough to make a difference so u may as well stop being one of their targets

Lastly - stop complaining that someone is ruining your game, it is just a game and we all play differently, some are passive some balanced and others aggressive (visit this link for an idea of what constitutes abusive game play). The key is to think before you act... play this game with your head not your heart, try not to take it so seriously and learn from your own mistakes it will only make u better... keep in mind the very people you are complaining about was in your situation at some point and got to where they are by remembering to just have fun with it, even when it gets rough, just had to laugh it off. This isn’t just a click of the mouse kind of game guys there is strategy involved u just need to find yours.

Also consider increasing your attacked and defense stats as you level up, if u decide to invest all or mostly in energy you have no right to complain that u cannot defend yourself. We all make the choice of what to do with skill points - invest them wisely

Important Tips – read carefully and think your decisions through before you execute

Manage money wisely – in the early stage u may want to consider banking your money to keep it safe in fights. Buy the items u need for jobs, also make sure to equip your mafia with the best weapons, vehicles, and armor u can get (make purchases and do jobs when your health is below 20 points… u cannot be attacked or hitlisted when your health is below 20 points)
Buying property – buy land and properties in lots of 10, this will save u a lot of money. Do not be greedy in the early stages. Buying properties may seem like a great idea but if u cannot defend them it can be your worst nightmare, start small (Undeveloped Space, Rent Houses and Mafia Mike’s cannot be robbed).

Protection – this does not make your properties invincible and is only helpful against a player with stats similar to yours (I had a player rob me and failed, I tried to rob him back and also failed, we both had protection on our properties so I can only assume this is what made the difference). If your opponent is considerably stronger than you the protection will only take more of their health per hit until the protection wears off.

Repairing – it is not wise to repair your properties the as soon as you realize you have been robbed, chances are the same person that robbed you is waiting to do it again. As stated above damaged properties still generate income so allow some time for the thief to move on to someone else, a couple of days to a week should be fine.

copied from here